
Friday, December 2, 2011

What's the Difference between "Congruence" and "Incongruence?"

In terms of Rogers’ view, congruence is the degree of accuracy between experience, communication, and awareness. A person with a high degree of congruence tends to regard experience, communication, and awareness as the same and can’t discern them. For example, small children often display high congruence in that they can’t disidentify from both three elements; a child who is angry expresses the emotion of anger thoroughly and absolutely. On the other hand, incongruence arises when there are differences between awareness, experience, and communication. Especially, “[i]ncongruence between awareness and experience is called repression or denial” (Farger & Fadiman, 2002, p. 320). As a coach, I often help my clients notice the difference between awareness and experience during a session. Also, I encourage my clients to modify the distorted perception by asking various questions.      
Personality and Personal Growth

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