
Monday, April 25, 2011

Disidentification exercise in psychosynthesis class

In the last psychosynthesis class, we practiced “disidentification exercise” for 10-15 minutes.  I was intrigued by this exercise, because this exercise was very useful in that we could be aware of true “I.”  “I” is not sensations, emotions, nor thoughts.  As Firman and Gila (2002) pointed out, “I” is not an experience but an “experiencer.”  Well, I want to share this exercise in brief.  Please see the following steps.

In the class, firstly, we paid attention to our breaths, took a breath deeply and slowly 4 or 5 times, and relaxed.  Secondly, while relaxing, we noticed that our various experiences such as sensations, emotions, and thoughts, etc. happened in us.  Thirdly, we affirmed and became aware of the fact that “I have a body, but I am not my body.”  The next affirmation was “I have an emotion, but I am not my emotion.”  The third was “I have a thought, but I am not the mind.”  Please affirm these sentences feeling fully your inner world.  In this way, we tried to dis-identify with our experiences occurred in our inner world.  After these affirmations, we felt our entire body, emotion, and mind.  Lastly, we concentrated on our breaths and finished.

Let’s try this psychosyntheis technique.  This exercise I showed you is written in an Assagioli's book but another disidentification exercise is described in a Firman and Gila's book.

Psychosynthesis p116-117