
Friday, December 2, 2011

Two Types of Presence in Coaching or Therapy Session

I think that “presence” is very important in therapy or coaching to transform or heal clients because our presence is a manifestation of our psyche. Presence is one of the key concepts in the third force, and there are two types of presence: interpersonal and intrapersonal presence. As Schneider and Krug (2010) elucidate, interpersonal presence “refers to the capacity to be present to experiences, feelings, and attitudes occurring between therapist and client that are implicitly or explicitly unfolding in the present moment in the therapy room” (p. 137). In terms of Integral Theory, interpersonal presence is categorized in the Lower Left quadrant (collective interior), and it can be said to be a shared subjective experience. On the other hand, intrapersonal presence is “the capacity to be present to inner experiences, memories, feelings, and attitudes that are implicitly and explicitly unfolding in the present moment in the therapy room” (Schneider & Krug, 2010, pp. 137-138). Although interpersonal presence shows up between therapist and client, intrapersonal presence arises within therapist and client. Expressed in another way, interpersonal presence arises from the Lower Left quadrant, and intrapersonal presence comes from each therapist’s and client’s Upper Left quadrant (individual interior). I’ll build a better interpersonal presence between my client and I, and pay attention to my intrapersonal presence in my coaching session.
Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy

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