
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Integral Coaching Canada: Module 1 Day 1

I’d like to recall this wonderful coaching program, so I’ll write down what I learned, what I felt, and what I thought during five days.

On the first day, I entered the hotel room where this program hold, feeling excited and a little nervous. And this program began by introducing ourselves. Each participant had four minutes to introduce themselves. Moreover, one of our instructors told us not to introduce in a traditional way. Honestly speaking, four minutes were too long for me (I believe everyone thought so), and a creative self-introduction was more problematic than four minutes… As I imagined, I finished my introduction for just one minute, so I created an unprepared meditation practice for everyone. Maybe this idea was nice and worked well…maybe.

Then we learned and practiced the following things on the first day.

1 Ways of Listening
2 Introduction to the Integral Coaching Method and Theory
3 Tuning in to a Client’s world
4 Powerful Questions

To me, I’m able to listen to someone in some degree, but my capability to ask powerful questions has room for improvement. Strictly speaking, perhaps, my listening capability also needs a little work. I’m going to cultivate both of them gradually through my actual coaching activity.

Anyway, this program gave us not only theory and knowledge of Integral Coaching, but also many opportunities to practice. This program was truly practical. I can say that was intense but really fruitful.

My new journey as a coach started on this day.