While taking a shower, I came up with the following idea about actualization of building a high performance team. Before forgetting this idea, I’d like to write down my idea.
The definition of a high performance team is that all employees work spontaneously and energetically based on their own self-actualization needs. Thus, the key factor is how leaders satisfy with employees’ self-actualization needs. However, before satisfying self-actualization needs, it is significant to satisfy with the lower level needs step by step. Remind that higher level needs never be satisfied if lower level needs are not satisfied.
This is my assumption, but usual business people are already satisfied with psychological needs and safety needs, because they would earn enough money to meet those needs.
Here, I’ll show some examples how leaders motivate subordinates in each Enneagram type by words. The following is common words for all types to satisfy with their belongingness needs (or + esteem needs). “You’re an indispensable person in this company! You’re an important member of this company.”
Next, leaders have to select appropriate words for each type. For instance, if leaders motivate type 2 (helper), leaders may be good to say like this “I really appreciate your help. All employees are grateful your dedicated help!”
In addition, for type 3 (achiever), it is effective for leaders to tell type 3 like this “I really acknowledge your value and attainment for this company!”
In a word, leaders need to know basic desire and fear in each type, and then leaders need to satisfy with subordinates’ unique needs.