
Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today, I knew one simple word, “trust.”  Of course, I knew the meaning of this word, but I didn’t know the true meaning of this word until today.  I felt the true trust.

Tonight, it was cold in Pleasant Hill.  But my heart was really warm.

The truth in our life is hidden in “true trust.”

Yoga and Immortality: Real meaning of Yoga

I was struck by the following sentences from a Novak’s book.

“When the five senses and the mind are still, and reason rests in silence, then begins the Path supreme.  This calm steadiness of the senses is called Yoga.  Then one should become watchful, because Yoga comes and goes….” (Novak, 1995, p. 14-15)

In my daily life, I practice various spiritual practices.  One of my main practices is Kundalini Yoga, whose origin is Hinduism.  Before reading these sentences, I thought that Yoga was some kind of body and mental exercise.  However, my perspective about Yoga dramatically changed after reading these sentences.  That was because I noticed that the real meaning of Yoga was the path to our real self, Atman.  Of course, Yoga includes the meaning of physical exercise, but its true meaning is to reach a higher self, beyond self.

When I practiced Kundalini Yoga, I sometimes felt serene, tranquil and peaceful…  I’m slow to realize that, but this is real Yoga.  The above sentences will make my Yoga practice more fruitful.
