
Thursday, September 2, 2010

recommendation letter

Today, I received a recommendation letter from my friend.

Yes, I need two recommendation letters in order to submit to administration office.

The one is from my manager and the other is my friend

Actually, I asked my professor who taught me in my university’s seminar but he already retired and now he is in the employ of the Japanese government

He said “I’m so sorry I already retired and now I work in the government office. Considering my position, I can’t write it.”

I was reluctant to understand what he said…

Instead of my professor, one of my friend who graduated from same university and have known me very well agreed to write it for me!!

I appreciate him.

How to apply integral theory to the real world?

How should I connect my professional area with Integral Theory or Integral Psychology?

I think about this question everyday.

You know, my professional area is business. So, I’d like to apply integral knowledge to the business world.

However, I don’t know how to do it…..

If you have any nice idea or advice, please tell me!!

Following is my idea which I’m still thinking about.

For example, to enhance team consciousness level, to manage a company effectively.

Umm…, integral coaching for CEO may be pretty good.