
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Remember how I acquired my native language!

While I was taking a shower today, I was mumbling to myself “Remember how I acquired my native language.  Remember how I acquired my native language…” again and again.  If I find the way I acquired Japanese language, the process will be applicable to English.  Dating back to my babyhood, at first I didn’t learn Japanese from “letter or character.”  Yeah, I learned it through verbal communication with my parents.  Of course, it is important to read a book in order to study in the academic world but firstly I have to install “English” software into my brain by talking or listening.  Now, I think that I need to change my brain OS (Operating System) from Japanese to English.  I want to believe that my brain is like a high quality computer, haha.

Psychosynthesis: A Collection of Basic Writings - Roberto Assagioli

Product Description:

A collection of the early writings of Dr. Roberto Assagioli on psychosynthesis, a wholistic psychology and world view that he created.  Roberto Assagioli, M.D. was a psychiatrist and a student of Freud who found the tenets of psychoanalysis to limited in scope. He went on to formulate a psychological perspective that could consider all aspects of the human condition; mental, physical, emotional and spiritual and integrate them into a Whole being. 

Short memo

This book is a required text book in “Psychosynthesis” class this spring.  This has a lot of psychosynthesis techniques, for example, “Catharsis”, “Critical “Analysis”, “Self – identification”, “Exercise in Dis – identification”, “Technique for the Development of the Will” etc.

My first writing assignment in this class is that I choose a concept or practice from assigned readings, lectures or class discussions and apply it to my personal experience.  Now, I’ll choose “Catharsis” technique and apply it to my work experience because my “shadow” really accumulated when I worked…