
Thursday, July 28, 2011

My energy and language level

I noticed that my energy had a strong correlation with my English.  When my energy is down, my English level is also down.  In that situation, I don’t want to talk with anybody proactively…  However, when I can feel “connected” with others and “connected” with the present moment, my energy increases and I can communicate with others naturally in English.  If you notice that my energy is down, please don’t talk to me, haha. 
I need to keep my best condition (body, mind, spirit), but most important thing is that I need to connect with the present moment and enjoy it.

Dream Theater: Mountain and Devil

Today, I joined the dream group in JFKU.  This group is held on every Thursday night and I always look forward to participating in the group.  However, last week, my energy was down, and my dark and strong shadow showed up in me, so I didn’t want to talk with anybody…I couldn’t join the group last week (actually, I had three very intense dreams last week.  The two of them were related to someone’s death and the other was that I was diving into the dark and deep sea). 

After my long and long shadow work, I could recover my energy this week.  In today’s group, firstly, we shared our own dreams and then we played a dream theater based on my dream.  The overview of my dream is the following.

I was walking along a mountain road.  My feeling was fine and I enjoyed the scenery around me.  I kept walking, but suddenly I felt something strange behind me and I got a chill.  I turned around to look at that.  Oh, my god!  That was a humanlike devil.  Soon, I started to run away, but the devil was chasing me.  I desperately tried to run away, and I found a bicycle at the top of the mountain.  When I found the bicycle, the devil disappeared behind me, so I felt relived. 

Interestingly, I flew from the top of the mountain riding on the bicycle and I was enjoying flying.  Then, I noticed that there was a long tunnel located in front of me.  I was falling into the tunnel riding on the bicycle.  I felt excited but a little bit anxious…  After touching the ground, I began to peddle the bicycle.  Then, I found three doors in the tunnel.  I chose the middle door, and I opened it.  As entering the room, I found “black” coffee bottle and “white” milk bottle in the corner of the room.  I chose the white milk without question, and I drank it.  The taste was very sweet and good, so I felt comfortable and relieved.

My emotion and feeling in the dream
Start (Walking)
Finding the devil
Finding the bicycle
Flying and Falling into the tunnel
After drinking the milk
Relaxed and comfortable
Scary and anxious
A little bit relieved and interested
Excited and a little bit anxious
So relieved and relaxed

If I use the model of “the death/rebirth matrix” (Movie Yoga, p. 80), the process of my feeling was like this. 
Start (Walking)
Finding the devil
Finding the bicycle
Flying and Falling into the tunnel
After drinking the milk
Safe Zone
Trapped Zone/War Zone
Weak Free Zone
Trapped Zone
Free Zone

Anyway, I really appreciated my friends playing the dream theater based on my dream.  Thanks to their cooperation, I could re-experienced the dream again.  Also, I could face my shadow (devil) without running away.

Again, many thanks, my group friends!