
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Current Way of Being and New Way of Being

This morning, I had a coaching session with my coach through Skype. She is my Integral Coach and, at the same time, my supervisor. So, she always gives me useful feedback about my assessments and coaching program which I created for my clients, and also supports my growth. This was the second session with her, but she gave my two metaphors to describe my current and new way of being based on the first session.

My Current Way of Being: Busy Space Explore
My New Way of Being: Practical Master Body Builder
I love these metaphors. Especially, the first metaphor exactly describes current me (I don’t talk about it here). Furthermore, the second one correctly points out what I need in order to support my weakness of the CWOB and to develop more.  

So far, I’ve offered some metaphors for my clients, and I noticed the power embedded in the metaphors, but I’ve never been offered from someone else. Thus, today’s session was meaningful for me because I found many new things about Integral Coaching and in me.