
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Integral Life Practice: Dream Journaling

Just after I wake up every morning, I keep a dream journaling. So, I’d like to introduce the effect of the dreamwork. Firstly, our dream has a not only biological effect but also psychological one. In other words, a dream functions as an indispensable role to maintain our biological conditions at a healthy level and an alternative pathway to meet the needs of our id (Frager & Fadiman, 2002). Furthermore, if we keep a dream journaling, we may notice a certain dream pattern to represent our unsatisfied desires repressed under unconsciousness. In that sense, keeping a dream journaling is helpful for both biological and psychological health.
                 Though just writing a dream on a notebook is effective, dialogue and interpretations based on the dream would be more effective. In fact, I sometimes practice “3-2-1 shadow process” based on my dream. (For details, see in Wilber, Patten, Leonard, & Morelli, 2008.)  

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