
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Integral Operating System IOS User’s Guide Ken Wilber

I watched this DVD and read the guidebook (70p).  I’d like to show the table of contents of DVD and guidebook.
1 A Map of Your Own Awareness
2 States at Every Stage
3 Stages of Developmental Lines
4 Just Because You’re Good at Some Things
5 States are Free, Stages are Earned
6 The Play of Masculine and Feminine
7 Every Mind Has a Body
8 Honoring the I, We, and It Dimensions
9 Integral Art and Consciousness
10 Integrating the World’s Transformative Techniques
11 The Essential Modules of Integral Practice
12 Signs of Transformation-More Tears, More Laughter
13 Ken’s Integral Practice
Section1 Introduction to Integral Theory and Practice
1 Overview
2 States of Consciousness
3 Stages of Levels of Development
4 Lines of Development
5 What Type?
6 There’s Even Room for Many Bodies
7 And Now: How Do They All Fit Together?
8 IOS Apps
9 Summary and Conclusion
Section 2 Integral Practice
1 Running IOS in Your Everyday Life
2 The Four Essential Modules
3 Creating an Integral Practice
4 Glossary

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