
Sunday, April 17, 2011

What’s the source of higher unconsciousness?

“What’s the source of higher unconsciousness?” was the question which my instructor in Psychosynthesis class asked us. This question and classmates’ comments were very interesting for me.  One of my classmates said the answer “fear of reality.”  I said “What? Fear of reality?” within my mind.  I supposed that higher unconsciousness expressed human positive aspects, but on the other hand, fear of reality expressed human negative aspects.  However, I made ample sense of her idea listening to her and instructor’s explanation.

In a word, human dark shadow (fear, envy, angry, etc.) is the source of human bright shadow (higher unconsciousness).  Shadow works (my shadow work: 3-2-1 shadow process, dream work, Bohm dialogue) help us to transform lower unconsciousness into higher unconsciousness a lot.


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