
Monday, April 18, 2011

Unbelievable event!

Today, I went to a Safeway to buy a lunch, which I often use in America.  When I bought a sandwich and potato salad, and then I started to eat them sitting on a bench, I saw a strange man riding a bicycle which looks alike my bicycle, and going away in front of me.

I took a brief look at a parking area where my bicycle was… “Oh my God! My bicycle disappeared!!”  I soon noticed that the man stole my bicycle.  I hurried after the man and I caught him!!

“Wait! It’s mine!” I shouted.  The man said with a laugh “Oh, is this yours? Sorry, have a nice day!” Unbelievable… I couldn’t believe that.  Of course, I put a chain on my bicycle but the way was bad.  It was like a disentanglement puzzle, so the man stole my bicycle very easily.

I have to be careful to put a chain on my bicycle.  However, curiously I didn’t become angry with him.  Apparently, the emotion of anger has vanished from me for a long time.  Perhaps, I may suppress my anger emotion to my unconsciousness…

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