
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saw the light at the end of my first paper

Whew!  Eventually, I saw the light at end of my first writing assignment in Psychosynthesis class.  This paper does not require so heavy pages of me, but this is my first time to write in “APA” style.  APA style is the problem for me.  APA?  I’m already familiar with APA!!  That is because I frequently saw the word, “APA”, when I was an international tax consultant.  “What do you mean?” people may say to me.  Of course, that is a kind of my joke, and I know only the meaning of “APA” in the international tax world.  In the international tax world, APA means “Advance Pricing Agreement”, on the other hand, in the academic world, APA means “American Psychological Association.”  Needless to say, there is a big difference between them.  I’ll train APA style little by little to become a good writer.

Every journey begins with a single step!

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